St Giles Spencer Academy

Latest News

  • Ducklings Class

    Class team:

Nicol Hutley  and Naomi Smyth (Class teachers), Claire Roebuck, and Caitlan Purcell

Class story:


Class overview:

Welcome to Duckling Class!

In Ducklings class we explore inside and outside at all times of the day, we are child centred and follow the children's like to explore learning experiences. We explore learning through the seven areas of learning.  The seven areas of learning are: 

🔆Communication and language

🔆Physical development




🔆Understanding of the world

🔆Expressive arts and design.

In Ducklings class we use a total communication approach including using signs, symbols and verbal language to support our children. We love to explore through our senses and immersive ourselves in our play.

Learning together:

 Learning together Summer 1   

Outdoor learning:

School will have a continued focus on ‘Outside Learning in all Weathers’ this year, with this in mind if possible please ensure that on each day your child has a suitable coat for the weather conditions.

General notices:

Please send in a spare change of clothes in case your child has an accident at school, as well as any nappies or pull ups they may need. We will let you know when we run out.

Social money for the term is £6, this is for snack and learning experiences.

Please can you send wellies in and a water proof as we will be doing outdoor learning most days.