St Giles Spencer Academy

Latest News

Gingerbread Man

Class Team

Lucas Jenkins, Lyn Scholes, Sarah Braithwaite (Teacher), Becky Green (Teacher) and Gemma Hicking.

Class Story

Class Overview

Welcome to Gingerbread class, taught by Sarah Braithwaite (Teacher), Becky Green (teacher) Gemma Hicking (Teaching Assistant), Linda Scholes (Teaching Assistant) and Lucas Jenkins (Teaching Assistant).

 The pupils in Gingerbread class are primarily following the Developing pathway of our St Giles Spencer Curriculum.  All learning tasks are delivered in a sensory and engaging way using a total communication approach.

As a class we love to be active and experience learning best through a range of physical and sensory activities linked to our curriculum ‘Big Question’. We aim to encourage children’s independence across the school day and access the community regularly.

Children’s wellbeing and regulation is at the hear of our classroom practice and children access interventions including TACPAC, massage and sensory circuits frequently. In addition to this Gingerbread class also love visiting sensory rooms and softplay!

Learning Together

Learning together Autumn 2 Gingerbread Man