St Giles Spencer Academy

Latest News

Owls Class

Class team:

Norsheen Pervez, Laura Kenmuir, Jenna Taylor and Beth Rogers (Class teacher)

Class story:


Class overview:

Welcome to Owls class. 

We are taught by  Beth (class teachers) and Laura, Norsheen and Jenna (teaching assistants). 

The children and staff in the class communicate in a variety of different ways. We use Widget symbols, Makaton signing, gestures, choice boards, ‘Now and Next’ boards and objects of reference to help us communicate, as well as verbal communication too. We enjoy learning new Makaton signs each week to aid communication. 

The children in the class learn best through sensory based experiences e.g. mark making in shaving foam or using paint. They have regular access to water play and sand play. The children also enjoy regularly using the school’s fantastic soft play equipment, the sensory room, the dark room and the new immersion room. We have our own class outdoor area, which children enjoy exploring daily. 

Each half term we have a new topic with a new theme and our work links to the topic theme. 

Owls class also like to go on trips out of school across the year in the local area. Visiting places like the swimming pool, the farm and the local parks. 

We enjoy school and learning in Owls Class! 

Learning together:

 Learning together Summer 1

General notices:

Social fund contribution - We would really appreciate it if you could send a social fund contribution of £6 into school. This pays for a daily snack for the children at break time.

Clothing and Sun cream - As the weather is becoming colder, could you please provide your child with a waterproof coat, wellies and any other appropriate clothing to correspond with the weather conditions as we love to learn outdoors. Please send in a spare change of clothes in case your child has an accident at school.