St Giles Spencer Academy

Latest News


Class Team

Emma Gotheridge, Tracy Stephenson and Emily Evans (Teacher) 

Class Story

Class Overview

Welcome to Pinocchio Class! Pinocchio Class has 11 children and 3 members of staff. Emily is the class teacher, and we have 2 teaching assistants, Tracy and Emma. Tracy works four days Tuesday to Friday and Emma is our full-time teaching assistant. 

Our class is based over at Sir Frank Whittle site which is a fantastic environment for the children to learn. The children follow the developing and deepening pathway of learning. Children in Pinocchio Class enjoy learning through exciting, sensory experiences especially with their peers. We encourage the children to be more independent in their learning and taking our learning into the outdoors and out into the community. This year we have had some exciting developments to our outdoor space, which we cannot wait to use.

Learning Together

Learning Together Autumn 1