St Giles Spencer Academy

Latest News

Hedgehogs Class

Class Team:

Nikki Leedham, Becky Green (Class teacher), Paige Swannick and Sarah Braithwaite (Class teacher).

Class story:

Class overview:

The teaching team in Hedgehogs are:

 Becky Green (Teacher Monday/Tuesday)

 Sarah Braithwaite (Teacher Wednesday/Thursday/Friday)

 Nikki Leedham (Teaching assistant)

 Paige Swannick (Teaching assistant)

Hedgehog class are a mixed KS1 and KS2 class. In Hedgehog class we love learning through sensory and physical experiences. In our classroom provision we explore roleplay, construction, art and small world as well as activities linked to the curriculum areas English, Maths, Phonics and science. The children love making creative and varied constructions with loose parts including natural and everyday household objects.

We are developing our communication skills verbally and also using communication boards, symbols and Makaton in a communication rich environment.

We are building relationships and learning to interact, play and collaborate with our classmates and our friends around school.

Learning together:

Learning together Summer 1 

Outdoor learning:

School will have a continued focus on ‘Outside Learning in all Weathers’ this year, with this in mind if possible please ensure that on each day your child has a suitable clothing for the weather conditions, as well as sun cream and a hat if necessary.